HEAT Pull off Game 3 Win
President's Body Man Leaving

Africa and the Miami HEAT

Today is a great day! My Miami HEAT won last night (by a huge margin)! I only saw the very beginning of the game and then I fell asleep. Much of what has happened during the game is so amazing to me but may be missed by many. It looked like a Santeria convention!

Without starting any big debate about religion, I must say that people need to be aware of the African influence on this game. The color white and the HEAT's current "White-Hot Heat" theme reflect the beliefs of those who practice Santeria. Not to mention the HEAT's other color, red...Chango...Santa Barbara...white beads...red beads...check it out for yourself. Santeria is practiced in countries throughout the world.

I am not an expert but I know many Caribbeans who are much more knowledgable than I about the orishas and the relationship to catholicism. It really is fascinating. Then, when I read about the "beads" worn by congressional leaders from South Florida, I could only think...hmmm...could this really be working?

The origin and history of Santeria is quite interesting. The similarities between Catholicism and mant formal and informal practices of folks from different parts of the world, further solidify my position that the world is a big, small place.

Check out the links below:



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