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What will history say about us if we do not save Darfur? (REPOST)

Celebrities adopting African children

Much has been said about celebrities adopting African children. To be precise, the issue is white celebrities adopting African children. Madonna, as usual, has been the subject of the most negative press with questions regarding protocol in the adoption process.

The hoopla surrounding the latest two adoptions by Madonna and Angelina Jolie is much ado about nothing. It's not like thousands of African children will be swept up and taken away by whites. That won't be happening as long as there are Nordic blonde children to be adopted. For that matter, where are the Blacks that can adopt not only African children, but the thousands of Black children in America that need parents?

Let's not fall for the diversion of these adopted children. Keep watch on happenings in Iraq and domestic terrorism here in the United States. Most important, don't forget that every child deserves a loving family. Peace.

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