Father likely involved in drug trafficking
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Law enforcement's investigation of the murder of the Escobedo family shows that the father, Jose Luis Escobedo was likely involved in drug trafficking. Based on drug packaging materials and a ledger detailing various transactions, it is suspected that the father was trafficking cocaine.
Although Jose Manuel Escobedo, brother of Jose Luis Escobedo, is a known heroin dealer, his involvement is not suspected in the family's death.
If this is true, it is another example of the devastation of illegal drugs in this country. Since I'm not likely to be impaneled on a jury, I am free to say that's a damn shame. Two innocent children were murdered because of a stupid decision of their parent or parents to be involved in drugs.
How someone could shoot innocent children is mind-boggling and nauseating. Let the chips fall where they may. The guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Click here for a detailed report including video and photos from the Sun-Sentinel.
© 2006 VANESSA BYERS, Vanessa: Unplugged