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Tagged, Again?!! Promise You Won’t Laugh at #8!

My BB (blog buddy) Maria tagged me again. I’m supposed to list 8 random facts about myself. Man, oh, man, I’ll try.

Here are the rest of the rules:

* Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
* Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
* Players should tag eight other people and notify them that they have been tagged.

Random Facts About Vanessa

  1. I can’t sleep for more than 4 or 5 hours at a time unless I’m ill.
  2. I played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when I was in elementary school. I got to sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and everything.
  3. I can sing “O Come All Ye Faithful” in Latin. One of my seventh grade teachers, Mrs. Kruger, taught us using a Bing Crosby record.
  4. I speak Greek (a little). Sagapo! (I love you.)
  5. My favorite colors are pink and black. My dream car is a black Mercedes convertible with custom ballet pink leather interior and woodgrain details.
  6. My wardrobe includes 7 black suits and 12 pair of black pants. Too much black, huh?
  7. I can’t swim. (I’m not proud of that.) I do know how to prevent myself from drowning though.
  8. I like rock and heavy metal music. I totally lose my mind when I hear Janet Jackson’s “Black Cat” and “Walk This Way” with Run DMC and Aerosmith. Yeah, 20 years later, I can still play a mean air guitar.

I’m not gonna tag anybody but this was really cool. I had an excuse to dance around the house and look really silly. LOL Thanks, Maria, I needed that!
