FREE GENARLOW WILSON! [Part 4]: $1 Million can't buy freedom
Life is precious – enjoy it while we're here!

Remembering the Benoits

Benoit01 The murder-suicide of the Benoit family has truly sickened me. The details are bizarre as indicated by law enforcement. We are left to wonder why. What could have been going through Chris Benoit's mind? It's all just too horrible to contemplate.

I must admit that my sympathy may be different from most who know of the wrestling reputation of Chris Benoit. I had no idea who he was when I heard the news of the family's bodies being found. I am not a fan of wrestling. I mean, I like a couple of the wrestlers such as Dwayne "The Rock" Johsnon and that Austin guy. I don't know who most of the wrestlers are because wrestling has become too much of a production.

I'm old school. My favorite wrestlers are Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. That was "real" wrestling to me. Well, you know what I mean. Then it became lights, cameras and a lot of crap. Too much showboating, artificial smoke and music turned me off.

Anyhoo, my heart goes out to the Benoits, not because of Chris Benoit's wrestling fame but because they are people. No one should have endured the horror that must have encapsulated that home. May God have mercy on their souls. Ashe'.
