The Murder of Jessie Marie Davis
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The murder of Jessie Davis and her unborn daughter is unbelievably sad. My heart aches for her son, parents and loved ones. As the case developed, Davis’ boyfriend, police officer Bobby Cutts, became the logical suspect.
Hope that Jessie and baby were alive and well waned with each passing day. Each day, Cutts looked more and more guilty.
Let’s not rush to judgment, right? Remember the Duke Rape Case. Officer Bobby Cutts’ past, replete with numerous affairs, abuse, children out of wedlock and employment sanctions made it illogical to believe or defend him.
On Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 6 PM EST, the world would learn that Bobby Cutts confessed to the murder of Jessie Davis and their unborn child. He also abandoned his 2 year-old son, Blake. A week Thirty hours would pass before someone would visit Jessie’s home and discover Blake home alone. It is because of God’s grace that baby is with us today. Prayerfully, he will remember nothing or very little about his mom’s murder.
Cutts is suspected to have been aided by an accomplice. Thus far, Myisha Ferrell, a friend of Bobby Cutts, has been questioned but not arrested.
We have yet to learn the specifics surrounding Cutts’ confession but let us pray for all of the families involved. Ashe'.