The Jena Six: An American Tragedy and a Shameful Reality
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Six black students from Jena, Louisiana have been incarcerated since December of last year because of a protest and violence that ensued as a result of one black student sitting under the "white tree" at their high school. The "white" tree --- such a throwback in time. Many using the internet today will not understand or even get the significance of asking "permission" to do something that one takes for granted in the United States. We live in America where we all have rights, don't we?
Yeah, many of you black and white, especially if you're 40 years old or younger, probably thought 'old people' were just tripping behind all this racial stuff. You probably didn't want to read 'Roots', forget about watching it on television. Black people have Oprah with her millions of dollars, top-rated television show and other enterprises, right? Shoot, Denzel, Queen Latifah and Will Smith make millions from the big screen and Barack Obama is positioned to become the next president of the United States.
Then the reality checks kick in. Remember the derogatory words of Don Imus, murder of Martin Lee Anderson, incarceration of Genarlow Wilson, Marcus Dixon, Shaquanda Cotton and the Jena 6. Wake up. This is the real deal. This is the same shameful treatment of black Hurricane Katrina survivors portrayed as 'looting' for food and white Hurricane Katrina survivors 'finding' food. Give me a break. Remember Rosa Parks? Well, the Jena 6 is this century's Rosa Parks.
In Spike Lee's movie about Hurricane Katrina, When the Levees Broke, actor Wendell Pierce made a statement about a permanent underclass in Louisiana. By this Jena 6 situation, I understand how the blatant, inhumane mistreatment of blacks occurred so easily in the New Orleans area immediately after Katrina. The courageous young black people in Jena took a stand. Right-minded folks must stand with them. Expose this shameful situation to the world. Ask the presidential candidates about the Jena 6 and Genarlow Wilson.
Watch the videos below for background information and to get brought up to speed on the Jena 6 case. Take action and spread the word about this story.
Call and write. Let your voice be heard.
The Jena 6 Defense Committee
PO Box 2798,
Jena, LA 71342
[email protected]
Murphy McMillan, Mayor
P.O. Box 26
Jena, La. 71342
Phone (318) 992-2148
To contact District Attorney Reed Walters directly:
Reed Walters, District Attorney
28th Judicial District
PO Box 1940
Jena, Louisiana 71342-1940
(318) 992-8282
Fax: (318) 992-4731
Please contact:
Senator Mary Landrieu
webpage contact link
(202) 224-5824
Senator David Vittner
webpage contact link
Phone:(202) 224-4623
Rep Bobby Jindal
webpage contact link
Phone: (202)-225-3015
Rep William Jefferson
Phone: (202) 225-6636
Rep Charlie Melancon
webpage contact link
Phone: (202) 225-4031
Rep Jim McCrery
webpage contact link
Phone: (202) 225-2777
Rep Rodney Alexander
webpage contact link
Phone: (202) 225-8490
Rep Richard Baker
webpage contact link
Phone: 202-225-3901
Rep Charles Boustany
webpage contact link
Phone: (202) 225-2031