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Nailah Franklin Update #2

Mychal Bell is Released, What Next?

Oh, snap! Mychal Bell was released on bail? I've been out-of-pocket most of the day and watched the Republican debate on PBS before I popped on the internet to find out the great news. Now, I'm thrilled that Mychal is no longer locked up but let's not forget that he'll be tried as a juvenile.

Although elated as I read Howard Witt's coverage of the latest development, the first thing that came to mind was not the indescribable joy the young man and his family must have felt at his release, my concern is for the quality of life for the Jena 6 and the other blacks in that very small and very racist town of Jena, Louisiana.

Do the Jena 6 attend school or are they home-schooled? How are blacks treated in Jena after the world now knows how racist the folks are there? Are there any measures in place to protect the Jena 6 and other blacks in the area?

I would hope Gov. Blanco and Pres. Bush would do the right thing and make sure the people of Jena, Louisiana are provided the type of leadership that will allow the town to overcome its challenges to racial tolerance and allow the community to heal.

The folks currently in leadership positions, especially regarding law enforcement, have exacerbated the racial divide to the point that it is doubtful they could lawfully carry out their appointed or elected duties. If Pres. Bush and Gov. Blanco don't get Jena, Louisiana in order then I respectfully submit that Kanye West was right.
