AlterNet Names Imus Enablers
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Don 'Nappy Headed Ho's' Imus Is Ba-a-ack -- and So Are His Enablers
By Rory O'Connor, AlterNet. Posted November 19, 2007.
It didn't take long for Don Imus' Big Media and Big Politics enablers to crawl out of the woodwork and embrace the shock jock all over again. With a list of Imus's top 10 enablers.
Don Imus's Top Ten Enablers
- James Carville, CNN, analyst, ex-presidential advisor
- Bob Kerrey, New School president, former senator and former Democratic presidential candidate
- Rudy Giuliani, Republican presidential candidate, former mayor
- Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential candidate
- Gov. Bill Richardson, Democratic presidential candidate
- Tim Russert, NBC News anchor
- Frank Rich, New York Times columnist
- Sam Tanenhaus, New York Times editor
- Jeff Greenfield, CBS News analyst
- Howard Kurtz, Washington Post and CNN media commentator
Click here to read entire article.
Don't forget that the sponsors of Imus' radio show are enablers also.