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Hillary Clinton can’t get out of her own way and the Barack Obama momentum continues

Derrick N. Ashong: Obama supporter stuns interviewer

Meet Derrick N. Ashong AKA DNA. Here's why we need to know what we're talking about when it comes to politics. Ashong gets grilled by an interviewer known as Mike. This young man was really cool because I would have wanted to go off on Mike. He was rude and interrupted Ashong's answers.

Derrick Ashong is no joke. Mike met his match. Check out both videos but check them out in the order they're posted here.

Derrick Ashong is my new hero. Let this be a lesson that you never know when it's your time; so be ready.

From: thelatestcontroversy
From: soulfegemusic


If you want more of DNA, check these links:

DNA – It's a blog, baby!

MySpace: Soulfege

Take Back the Mic


DNA on YouTube

Harvard University Gazette

