Hillary Tries to Hijack Florida
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Yesterday I sent a letter to Howard Dean, head of the Democratic National Committee. The letter expressed my opinion on the possibility of seating delegates from Florida at the Dems national convention.
Florida legislators voted to change the date of the Florida primary and the DNC penalized Florida by not acknowledging votes and not seating delegates representing Florida. Like it or not; the penalty was not a surprise.
As I become more knowledgeable of the convoluted elections process, I don't like what I see. There are too many opportunities for the will of the people to be obfuscated thereby creating an illusion of democracy.
There is truth to the statement tends that ignorance is bliss. It is crucial that we learn the elections process, especially the loopholes, and pass that information on to as many people as possible. Ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is power.
This op-ed piece by Ana Menendez captures my position on this issue: Democrats' indignation a little too late.