Barack Obama wins almost by default
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Barack Obama is smooth. He is smart, charismatic and far superior to Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Obama is the total package and cannot be denied. It's obvious and painfully obvious to some. Perhaps if the field of contenders was stronger, Obama wouldn't be my overwhelming favorite but it is what it is.
McCain is old, crotchety, and feeble and represents Bush III. Hillary Clinton is divisive, mean-spirited, and unscrupulous, cannot be trusted, represents more of the same old Washington politics dressed up like innovation and represents Clinton II.
Don't get it twisted, Clinton I was better than Bush II but that's not much of a comparison considering the downward spiral since Bush II. Clinton I was no picnic either; most of us just got caught up in the Matrix.
Inarguably, Hillary is smart; she's just not presidential. For all of the reasons previously mentioned, and perhaps as has been suggested via comments on this blog, she should just chill out and prepare to run for governor of New York.
It's just a matter of time but the Democratic race will be over soon. It's all in the numbers.
Barack Obama will be the Democratic presidential nominee and he will beat John McCain.