Remembering Our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day
It’s Down to the Wire for the Democratic Delegate Decision

Do Hillary Clinton and her Advisers Really Believe What They Say or Are They Just Trying to Convince the American Voters?

There's an article on the Huffington Post that covers President Bill Clinton's speech to a group in South Dakota. In that speech he refers to the way he sees his wife treated "just for running for president". In another article, the Clinton Camp blames the Obama Camp for fanning the flames of controversy over her RFK assassination remarks.

Do the Clinton folks really believe that or do they just want enough of us to believe it so that it will make a difference in her chances of being selected the Democratic presidential nominee?

Whatever the reason, those are some sick folks. Obama has beaten her hands down. If anything, the MSM has kow-towed to the will of the Clinton political machine but the public is not buying it.

The Clintons are tanking the possibility of any positive legacy they may leave in United States history by showing their true character to the world. Blaming the Obama camp for their mistakes is so weak and transparent. Senator Obama and his camp have been more than kind to Senator Clinton.

In spite of attempts to de-rail his campaign with her kitchen sink strategy that hasn't worked, Hillary Clinton finds herself doing damage-control and playing the victim. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Perhaps her advisers can continue to try to buy their way in keeping her campaign alive. It's been reported that one of her supporters tried a million dollar purchase of the superdelegate votes and endorsement of the Young Democrats of America. What won't those people do?

And don't laugh off nor accept the poo-pooing of her explanation of the RFK assassination comment until you check out The Field Negro's post on the demise of folks associated with the Clintons.

The Clintons tactics of bullying folks is not working but maybe the death threats and bribes of others are. Perhaps if more of her victims will come forward rather than cower in fear, there will be real change in America.

In the meantime, the more Hillary and her people act the fool, the more assurance we have that she won't be Obama's VP. Keep up the bad campaigning, Hillary; let's see just how much in debt your campaign can get and how many superdelegates you will push over to Barack Obama.
