What You Do in the Dark…
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Senator John Edwards admission of an affair with Rielle Hunter has dominated the American news for the last two days. There had been rumors of his relationship with a woman other than his wife and a child resulting from that liaison. Many political pundits have predicted doom and the end of Edwards' political career but I think maybe not.
No longer in dispute is the affair itself. Edwards admitted it to his wife and family and they tried to keep it private. The paternity of the child has been denied by Edwards and he has proclaimed willingness to submit to a DNA test.
What is most interesting and will serve to continue to cloud the issue is Hunter's refusal to submit her child to testing; another man has claimed to be the child's father.
Notwithstanding the terminal illness of Elizabeth Edwards and the innocence of the children involved, I really don't care to know the details of Edwards' personal life. If Edwards and his wife have dealt with the issue of his philandering then what business is it of the rest of the world?
Let's be real, John Edwards' affair is no different or more damaging than the actions of other political figures such as Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer and even John McCain to name a few. Far too many Americans have short attention spans and suffer from short-term memory. If John Edwards stays out of the limelight long enough and avoids negative press he can still have a life in politics.