Happy Birthday, Dr. King...Is this a birthday present or what?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Today is the day this country celebrates the birth of one of this country’s most famous leaders, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year’s King Holiday celebration is more significant as we are also in the midst of celebrating the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America.
The Obama presidency is a tremendous gift to the legacy of Dr. King but not just because Obama is black but by virtue of the fact that Obama has re-ignited the American spirit and called for unity in working for the good for the nation. The rainbow of people who elected Barack Obama to the highest position in the free world and the people celebrating his inauguration would be pleasing to Dr. King.
Every march, sit-in, arrest and day Dr. King endured in jail has brought this country to where it is today and I am grateful for Dr. King’s commitment to fighting for the rights of black Americans and others treated unfairly.
The election of Barack Obama as president is not the fulfillment of King’s dream but it is definitely a step in the right direction. We are so very proud of this nation but there is still much to be done to achieve equality for all.
Let’s continue in the spirit of Dr. King and do our part to continue to make this nation better for our children, our children’s children and generations to come. Happy Birthday, Dr. King. Thank you.
© 2009, Vanessa: Unplugged!, www.vanessabyers.net
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