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August 2010

The Rick Scott GOP Shake-up

Rickscott Political newcomer Rick Scott has upset the Florida Republican Party with his victory over veteran politician Bill McCollum. Scott spent $30 million of his own money in this race and it’s likely the pattern will continue as he meets Democrat Alex Sink in November.

Scott flooded the media with negative campaign ads against McCollum and made no secret of his anti-Obama sentiments.   There is still something very wrong with spending obscene amounts of money on political campaigns but that is what our election system has become with the roll back of campaign finance restrictions.

In another hotly contested race, Kendrick Meek easily won the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate over billionaire Jeff Greene who like Rick Scott spent millions in personal funds for his campaign. Meek will face Republican Marco Rubio and Independent Charlie Crist.

The weeks leading up to the General Election will be more than interesting. Keep an eye on Florida.