U.S. Federal Government Shutdown: Keeping It In Perspective
Dirty Laundry

Tips on Contacting Your Elected Officials

Your elected officials work for you!
Let them know what you think.

Here are tips on contacting your elected officials. These tips are provided by the League of Women Voters of the United States. We get the government we deserve if we are not actively engaged in the political process. Please utilize these tips. Share them with family and friends. Let your voice be heard.

The strength of our democracy depends on citizens getting involved and engaging our government. Keep these tips handy when contacting your elected officials.

  1. Politicians aren’t interested in the opinions of people who can’t vote for them. Identify yourself as a constituent of the legislator you’re contacting.
  2. Whether writing or calling your legislators, focus on a single topic. You’ll be more effective and receive a faster response.
  3. Ask the legislator to take specific action, like supporting a piece of legislation. Ask for a written response that gives your legislator’s position on the issue.
  4. Make your points quickly and concisely to have greater impact.
  5. When talking about an issue, it’s best to use your own words.