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Second Presidential Debate: Clinton Still Winning, Trump Still Lacks Substance and Self-Control

Trump Clinton debate #2
Second presidential debate, Sunday, October 9, 2016, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

You know the old saying that politics is never personal? Well, that was not the case last night at the second 2016 presidential debate. When presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, did not shake hands at the beginning of the debate last night, it was crystal clear that the atmosphere would be contentious. ABC’s Martha Raddatz and CNN’s Anderson Cooper did a decent job in keeping the candidates on task and the audience quiet. It appears to be difficult to get Trump to answer questions directed to him. He typically relies on deflecting, rambling and providing incoherent responses. 

The pre-event hype probably resulted in a let-down for viewers who tuned in expecting a volley of salacious attacks. It could have gone in that direction but Clinton wisely didn’t take the bait. She was cool, calm, confident and in control of herself. She allowed Trump to hurt himself. Trump performed much better than in the first debate but that wouldn’t take much because he performed so horribly in that one. Clinton was presidential and Trump was uncouth. Her answers addressed policy and specifics. Trump was arrogant. He knows the Tax Code better than any other candidate and he knows more than any General. He should have known his disgusting conversation was being recorded by Access Hollywood in 2005 but let me not digress. It appeared that Trump’s debate strategy was to personally attack the Clintons at every opportunity and to give superficial answers to policy questions. 

Donald Trump’s candidacy continues to be a major scam portrayed on the American public. The Republican Party and mainstream media are complicit in his being so close to becoming the President of the United States. So the Republican Party and mainstream media can kick rocks and suck it up. You created this monster, so deal with it. Donald Trump has been who he is for decades. The incredulity of folks who are so surprised by documented revelations of Donald Trump’s sexual assault of women is nauseating. 

In spite of claims by Trump supporters, Clinton clearly won last night’s debate. Trump stalked Clinton on the stage. He also whined, interrupted and didn’t answer questions. He also threw Mike Pence under the bus, backed the bus up and ran over Pence again. Donald Trump should never become President of the United States.  

Well, there is one more debate scheduled for October 19. Surely more political bombs will drop by then. Stay tuned.



Photo: ABC News

