Black Republicans Feed

Florida GOP Courts Black Voters on Juneteenth

Today is Juneteenth. The Republican Party of Florida sent out the message below regarding the celebration:

Republicans Herald "Juneteenth" And The End Of Slavery

Tallahassee - Representative Jennifer Carroll, Chairperson of the Republican Party of Florida’s African American Republican Leadership Council, and RPOF Chairman Jim Greer today released the following statement regarding "Juneteenth," a celebration recognizing June 19, 1865, the day the last American slaves learned that they were free:


"'Juneteenth' is a celebration of the day when the last remaining slaves received word that President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, resulting in their freedom. As the Party of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party of Florida is built on the foundation of freedom, and this principle is as important to us today it was so many years ago, when President Lincoln helped to found the Republican Party as the anti-slavery party," said Representative Carroll. "Over 140 years, we have championed these convictions. From the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s to the landmark 1954 decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education, which called for the end of segregation in public schools, the Republican Party has always been an advocate for civil rights."


"Republicans are still spearheading reform today, including efforts to increase access to homeownership among African Americans, provide quality education for all children, and ensure strong support for small businesses. We are proud to share the same core beliefs of lower taxes, less government, and more freedom as many African American families, and this is why we will continue to fight for the African American vote," said Chairman Greer.


That is a very nice message but what does it really mean when leading Republicans such as Rush Limbaugh continue to spew hatred and treason in this country? And what does it mean when GOP activists such as Rusty DePass feel comfortable openly insulting first Lady Michelle Obama?
Is the GOP finally getting it? Rep. Jennifer Carroll, my sorority sister, is a very attractive black woman. Is she the face the GOP want us to envision instead of Rush? There's a lot more work to do to overcome the damage some Republicans have done. I guess this is a move in the right direction for Florida but action speaks louder than words.

Will Michael Steele's Election as RNC Chair Help the GOP Attract Minority Voters? [POLL]

The Republican National Committe is attempting to upgrade its public image with the election of Michael Steele to head the GOP for the next two years. Do you think Steele will help the GOP attract minority voters?

© 2009, Vanessa: Unplugged!,

Vote for this blog for Best Political Blog and for Best Blog Design in the 2009 Bloggers Choice Awards.


Michael Steele: The New Face of the New Republican Party?

Anything is possible in the United States of America. The GOP elected a black man, Michael Steele, Chair of the Republican National Committee.


Clearly, Michael Steele, has President Barack Obama to thank for his victory. The GOP knows that the demographics of this country are changing and they’d better get on board or be run over.  Steele’s election and the subsequent work to be done by the Party will signal whether tit lives or dies.

Some, in the GOP, will find it difficult to have Steele as a Party leader. Others fully expect Steele to be leader in name only. Let’s see how this really works out.

If Steele assumes his true leadership role, many in the GOP, may feel alienated. Like President Obama, Steele should also expect to be challenged by Republican traditionalists as he tries to reshape their Party.  My, how things have changed. The Republicans have finally opened their eyes. It only took six rounds of voting and a vote of 91-77 to do it.


Let’s see, Michael Steele beat out the guy who sent out those CDs with “Barack the Magic Negro” on it and  a guy who was a member of a “whites-only” club for years. Yeah, that’s change you can believe in.

© 2009, Vanessa: Unplugged!,

Vote for this blog for Best Political Blog and for Best Blog Design in the 2009 Bloggers Choice Awards.


Putting the RNC Chip Saltsman CD Controversy in Perspective

When I saw the tweet from Don Lemon of CNN about the RNC (Republican National Committee) releasing the “Barack the Magic Negro” song, my first thought was --- What’s the big deal? That’s so last year. Then when Lemon sent us non-believers a link to more info on the issue, the reason for the hoopla became apparent.


It seems that Chip Saltsman, a candidate for chair of the RNC sent out a CD with that song on it. I think I sent Lemon a tweet with something about Saltsman being SOS --- Stuck On Stupid.

My position on Saltsman hasn’t changed but we should step back and look at the situation from different perspective. I think many in the mainstream media did this story and their viewers or readers a disservice. The focus of the reporting of Saltsman’s faux pas is on the Magic Negro song but it’s my understanding that there are 41 songs on the CD.

Rather than focusing on the Magic Negro song, how about equal reporting on the cut titled Star Spanglish Banner? Are we to be lead to believe that the GOP are insensitive bastards only regarding blacks? I don’t think so.

In this post-racial soon-to-be-lead-by-Barack-Obama nation in which we live, the truth is that folks like Saltsman and those who defend him really find no fault in that compilation of supposed parody. “You people are too sensitive. Can’t you take a joke?” Yadda…yadda…yadda.

Speaking of those defending Saltsman, enter one Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State, also candidate for RNC Chair. Blackwell condemns the hypersensitivity to race. Blackwell is black. Other black Republicans may not publicly protest the distribution of the CD, but clearly understand the heat they will take from other blacks for their political affiliation.


So, where’s the outrage from Latinos about the Star Spanglish Banner foolishness? It’s difficult to find comedy in the mean-spirited words and images of that song.

This is funny.


Well, when all is said and done, we really shouldn’t be surprised by this latest incident from Republican leaders. They are just being true to themselves.  Does that reflect the position of all Republicans? Of course not. Will the Republican Party suffer because of this? Of course, it will. But, here’s a safe bet – Chip Saltsman will not be RNC Chair.