8 year-old Miami girl starts food fight with Obama girls in controversial ad
Friday, August 07, 2009
Jasmine Messiah, an 8 year-old student in Miami, is the face of a new campaign by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to encourage healthier food choices in the nation's schools. Jasmine is a vegetarian and apparently outspoken and spunky according to media coverage.
It's true that the American is generally high in fatty foods. It's also true that the U.S. School Lunch program depends heavily upon surplus foods donated by the government. Fatty foods plus a reduced physical education program in public schools results in kids who are heavier than in the past.
Unfortunately, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine may have crossed the line when targeting the Obama daughters. Sure, they attend a prestigious private school in Washington, DC that offers healthy meal options, but bringing kids of politicians into a lobbying effort in this manner will likely result in a backlash.